DCS / Community Updates Postponed

Hello everyone,

Just as I was uploading the teaser video that was released yesterday, I was made aware of a rapidly declining situation with one of my close family members. Here at Echo One Nine, we are a passionate group of aviators and sound enthusiasts alike - but it is my goal to operate a company that is not above setting everything aside for loved ones in a time of need. In this case, my family needs my support and presence during this difficult time.

With how many moving pieces are involved in the updates to our free addons and all of the other exciting things that are planned for our community, I have had to make the difficult decision to postpone today’s planned community update launch. As hard as this is, it is also my goal to operate a company that values excellence. You know Echo 19 for not just the great audio experiences we craft, but also in the exciting way we launch and announce our products.

I want to make sure we are putting our 110% into everything we do, whether it is for you, our loyal group of addon supporters, or our project partners.

Please keep my family in your thoughts and prayers as we navigate this time. Thank you so much for your patience, unwavering support and encouragement over the past few years as we've grown as a business.

There are big things on the horizon, and even though life sometimes has other plans, we are excited for the future and can't wait to take you with us.



Echo One Nine Audio Production


November 25th Update Launch


It's been a while...